Workshop 15

Geostatistics and its Latest Developments Using Machine Learning Methods

Sunday 9 June 2024 | Room 



  • Alessandro Mannini (Santos)
  • Luc Sandjivy (ERMS)



The main objective of this second workshop is to share and discuss recent geostatistics development in the world of AI and machine learning applied to geosciences. Since its inception in the 1970s, geostatistics has developed in two main areas, spatial statistics and probabilistic modeling. Its progress and acceptance by the geosciences community have always been conditioned by computing power and costs. In the digital age, these constraints have disappeared, unleashing the power of geostatistical algorithms to best valorize large seismic and well data sets. Geostatistics today meet two major challenges facing operating companies: How can we reduce geo processing and modeling turnaround times and expand the asset team capabilities while ensuring the transfer of in-house expertise to the next generation of digital geoscientists?

Sub-Topics that will be covered in the workshop:

Earth Intelligence, Deep Diffusion models, stochastic partial differential equations



Participant Profile

Subsurface practitioners Geostatistician. AI/ML practitioners, , Accademia researchers and software developers.

08:30Setting the scene – The big picture
08:50Introduction to the workshop and Housekeeping
09:20Open forum to discuss initial thoughts, ideas, and expectations
09:40Pipes or Cables - a fight for the power super-highways of the future – Francis Cram (Mapstand)
10:00Operations and Property Rights: Unitization, Access, and Operations – Eugene Holubnyak (University of Wyoming)
10:20Questions to the presenters
10:30Panel discussion – The future of the energy transition
10:45Open Q&A session with a panel
11:10Coffee Break
11:30Open Forum – statements, questions, and challenges
12:10Framing: Agree on key issues and items to consider in the workshop exercise
13:25Organise into workshop teams
13:30Workshop exercise training - theory and software introduction – Jazmin Mota
14:15Workshop exercise - Mental mapping of the energy transition
16:15Workshop exercise wrap up with each team
17:00Plenary Discussion and workshop close
17:25End of the Workshop