Technical Programme
Join us for another fantastic Toulouse edition of our world-class event, which strives to set the bar for the advancement of knowledge in the complex and wide fields of Geoscience and Engineering.
We are working on building a broad and balanced programme that not only showcases the depth of discipline-specific expertise but also thrives on the synergies between oil and gas, CCS, renewables, and infrastructure geosciences. You can anticipate a comprehensive Technical Programme featuring multiple sessions that cater to diverse interests, encompassing dedicated sessions that resonate with diverse EAGE Technical Communities.
Your involvement in the Technical Programme provides a valuable opportunity to share your expertise and knowledge with a global audience of energy, resource, and infrastructure professionals, as well as to shine a spotlight on your work through our sessions and publication in the extensive conference proceedings.
The Call for Abstracts is closed
Dedicated Sessions are organised as part of the Technical Programme. Submissions to Dedicated Sessions can be done here (by invitation only).
Late Breaking Abstracts
EAGE is introducing a Late Breaking Poster submission option for the EAGE Annual 2023. The Late-Breaking Call for Abstracts is intended to include abstracts of critical significance to the technical community in cases where breakthroughs or developments were not yet known or available for public release at the time of the original call for abstracts deadline. These submissions will only be considered for poster presentation. Abstracts which were previously submitted in the original call for abstracts will not be considered. The deadline for the submissions is 15 March 2023.
Important Deadlines
Call for Abstracts Deadline
Technical Programme Announcement & Early Bird Fee Registration Deadline
Withdrawal Deadline
Regular Fee Registration Deadline
EAGE Annual 2025
Information for Presenters
Information for Presenters Next steps – overview
Please take a look at the important next steps. Read more details about these steps on the linked pages.
Confirm your presentation
Confirm yourself or a co-author as presenter via the online form. Follow this link for details.
Please note that you should start applying for your visa as soon as you have received this email. Check the registration page for information on how to request an official invitation.
Register for the conference
Speakers must register for the conference. Select your registration type and register now!
Book your accommodation
The number of hotels near the venue is limited. EAGE recommends booking your accommodation in advance.
Learn from the experts!
Joining the EAGE Annual as a presenter is a great way to share your research, connect with professionals from around the world, and more. Watch the videos for tips and tricks on your presentation.
How to Present to a Live Audience?
We have a series of videos focusing exactly on this!
EAGE experts shared things to avoid and things to remember when preparing for your next presentation. Watch the teaser or watch the complete videos via the buttons below.
Presentation format
The conference will be organised as an in person event only.
If you are you cannot join us in Vienna unexpectedly, you risk being banned as a speaker at EAGE events for 3 years.
Proceedings on EarthDoc
Please keep in mind that if you withdraw your presentation, it will also be removed from EarthDoc.
Your extended abstract(s) will be published on EarthDoc, EAGE’s publication database, 2 weeks prior to the event at the latest.
We urge every speaker/submitter author to check that the abstract(s) has been published correctly, including all the metadata, such as the title, author(s) name(s) and affiliation(s).
Requests for correction will not be accepted later than two weeks after the event’s start date. All requests for correction after this date will be charged.
Content changes are not allowed after the abstract has been reviewed and accepted for presentation.
Programme Changes
EAGE reserves the right at all times to make changes in the time schedule, dates, format (hybrid – in person – online), concept of the event.
If, due to circumstances beyond the reasonable control of EAGE the execution of the Event as planned is prevented or impeded, or when the minimum number of Participants needed to operate the Event (or part of the event) is not reached, EAGE has the following rights:
a.) to change the time and/or date of the Event;
b.) to change the venue where the Event takes place;
c.) to change the Format (on-site, on-line or a combination of both) or part of the format, the length, the duration or scope of the event
Presentation Cancellation Policy
If you have to withdraw your presentation, please do so as soon as possible via the online response.
Kindly note that if you withdraw your presentation, the related extended abstract will not be uploaded to EarthDoc or, when uploaded before your withdrawal, it will be removed from the database.
Please note that the deadline to withdraw your presentation without consequences is 15 April 2024, 23:59 CEST.
Withdrawal after deadline
If you withdraw your presentation after 15 April 2024 (23:59 CEST), you will be listed as no-show and you risk to be banned as a speaker at EAGE event until 3 years after the conference.
After this deadline it is still possible to list a co-author as replacement presenter. Kindly use the online response form to inform EAGE about the replacement presenter.
If you have any questions about the technical programme, please contact us.
Confirm the name of the presenter
In order to be able to present in any session, all speakers in the technical programme must be registered for the conference.
Submit the online response form as soon as possible to:
- Confirm the name of the presenter ;
- Inform us of the replacement presenter (also to be used if submitting co-author is not the presenting co-author);
- Withdraw your presentation (deadline 15 April 2024, 23:59 CEST).
Please keep in mind that the paper numbers of the presentations are listed in the acceptance email.
Use the form to:
1. Confirm the name of the presenter
When the name of the presenter is confirmed, they will be listed as a ‘Confirmed speaker’. In the registration process this is checked to calculate the correct registration fee for presenters.
As soon as the form has been processed, you will receive an automated notification to confirm that you the system will then recognize you as ‘Confirmed speaker’.
2. Inform us of the co-author who will replace you as presenter
If a co-author will give the presentation, the submission needs to be moved to their account. To do so, we need the name and email address of the co-author. Please keep in mind that the email address that you mention and the login name used by the co-author to access the EAGE website need to be the same.
If the co-author does not have an account yet, they need to create one on the EAGE website.
3. Withdraw your presentation
If you have to withdraw your presentation, please keep in mind to do so by 15 April 2024 (23:59 CEST) at the latest. If you have to withdraw your presentation after this date, you risk being banned as a speaker for EAGE events for 3 years (see also the Presentation Cancellation Policy at the General Information tab).
Presentation Upload
Oral Presentations
Oral presenters will each have 20 minutes for their presentation:
- 15 minutes for Presentation
- 5 minutes for Q&A
Please download the mandatory Power Point Presentation Template for your presentation.
If you give your oral presentation on your own merit (see acceptance email), please use the following link to download the Own Merit Power Point Template.
Guidelines for Speakers
A good oral presentation has a clear objective, a well-defined structure and uses clear and simple illustrations.
Objective & Structure
Your objective defines what you wish to achieve with your presentation. To achieve a realistic objective you must consider the characteristics of your audience: their motives for attending your presentation, their interests, their knowledge level and their intentions.
The structure of a good presentation is as follows:
- Define the subject, give a general outline and state the goals of your presentation in your introduction.
- Work out your presentation in more detail.
- Summarise and draw conclusions, which refer back to your introduction.
Please be very careful that your presentation is scientific and not commercial. In addition, the company logo or trademarks are allowed only in the first and on the last page of the power point slides.
We recommend you to make an overview with the estimated timing of your presentation and to prepare yourself for questions from the audience. Rehearsal of your presentation is strongly recommended! Please note that presenting to a live audience can take a little longer than during a rehearsal.
It is important to adhere to the time schedule: 20 minutes in total per presentation (in example 15 minutes speaking time and 5 minutes question time).
Poster Presentations
The poster sessions will focus on interaction and informal exchange of ideas and discussions between participants. All on-site poster presenters have in total 60 minutes to present their work during the poster session, including time for questions. However posters will be on display during all day of presenting. This should be mounted between 08:00 hrs and 09:00 hrs (TBC).
If you give your poster presentation on your own merit (see acceptance email), it is not allowed to include the company name, company logo or a reference to the company to your printed poster.
What to Prepare?
A0 Poster (Printed) using mandatory Poster Template (pdf) or Poster Template (ppt).
In order to obtain a design for your poster which aims to generate active discussion it is recommended to:
- Include the paper reference (abstract number) and presentation title on your poster;
- Place the highlights at eye level (i.e. the upper half of the wall element);
- Divide each poster into at least three equal columns for readability of text. Illustrations may extend over 2 or 3 columns;
- Text and Character Size:
- Word-process all text (including captions) and print on a plain light coloured background.
- Use a minimum font size of 18 points. (Text should be readable from 2 meters away.)
- Illustrations:
- Should have a resolution of 300 dpi to be suitable for printing on A0.
- Should be placed large enough on the poster so it is readable from five feet away.
- Poster Format:
- The maximum allowed paper size is A0.
- There is one (1) poster board available per presentation; you are required to use ‘Portrait’ layout for your poster.
Please be very careful that your presentation is scientific and not commercial. In addition, the company logo or trademarks are allowed only in small size on the poster.
Playlist EAGE experts
Submission Topics
Abstracts are invited on but not limited to the below topics.
1A-1. EM Methods
1A-2. Potential Field Methods
1A-3. Remote Sensing
1B-1. Acquisition Geometries & Hardware
1B-2. Simultaneous Source
1B-3. Multi Component
1B-4. Time-lapse (4D)
1B-5. High Resolution for Shallow Subsurface
1B-6. Borehole Seismic Methods
1B-7. Distributed Acoustic Sensing
1B-8. Micro & Passive Seismic
1C-1. Multiple Attenuation
1C-2. Noise Attenuation
1C-3. Near-Surface Corrections
1C-4. Regularization/Compressive Sensing
1C.5. Signal Processing
1C-6. ML & AI for Seismic Processing
1D-1. Imaging Theory & Wavefield Modelling
1D-2. Diffraction & Multiple Imaging
1D-3. Full Waveform Inversion – Velocities
1D-4. Full Waveform Inversion – Imaging
1D-5. Velocity Model Case Studies
1D-6. Imaging Case Studies
1D-7. ML & AI for Seismic Imaging & Velocities
1E-1. Quantitative Interpretation & AVO
1E-2. Seismic Reservoir Characterization
1E-3. Monitoring
1E-4. Rock Physics
1E-5. Anisotropy & Fractured Reservoirs
1E-6. Seismic Attributes
1E-7. ML & AI for Seismic Interpretation & Characterization
Reservoir Engineering
Integrated Subsurface
Energy Transition
Mining and Infrastructure
Data & Computer Science
Papers can be submitted via the online portal.
Please walk through the steps as outlined in the portal to submit your paper.
You will need an EAGE account log in.
Submission Instructions
affiliations and summary
margins 2,54 cm on all (1")
figure and reference
Read more about the requirements and submission process.
Anti-Plagiarism Statement
EAGE invites the presentation of new and original material in a range of multi-disciplinary topics in Geoscience and Engineering. EAGE takes plagiarism very seriously. Therefore, if an extended abstract or paper, after careful review, examination and consideration, is rejected on the basis of plagiarism, ALL authors of the abstract/paper will be denied the opportunity for further abstract submissions for the following three years. Note that this means that NO abstracts/papers from ANY of the authors (as author or co-author on subsequent papers) will be accepted for ANY EAGE event (Annual Meeting, Conference or Workshop) for a period of three years starting on the date of the event for which the paper was originally submitted.
Layout of Extended Abstract
Titles should be relevant and short (max. 16 words allowed, ‘ – ‘ is considered one (1) word). This title must be included on the first page of the extended abstract (first page only).
Extended abstracts must be in English, original and not have appeared in any other publication.
The body of the extended abstract needs to be four (4) full pages in length, paper size A4. Longer or shorter sized abstracts will not be included in the review process and consequently be rejected. The extended abstract should consist of text and appropriate figures supporting the key message. The text should contain at least one figure and references. Four pages of text alone are unacceptable.
Please do not use more than 1 column for text, do not frame the text, and please upload the body of your extended abstract as one document with embedded figures.
Smaller figures may be placed in 2 columns. The caption of these figures may be placed in 2 columns as well but may also be placed in 1 column (alignment justified).
A good extended abstract set in the conference template consists of an introduction, the main description of theory or method broken down as appropriate and illustrated with figures, conclusions, optional acknowledgements and references. It should reflect work that is actually completed at the time of submission and not plans or ideas that are still taking shape in the mind of the author or research that is still highly immature.
The extended abstract must concentrate in itself the essential information of the presentation: purpose, methods, results and conclusions. It should be an abbreviated, informative, accurate representation of the presentation and not a mere recital of the subjects to be covered.
Template usage Extended Abstract
• 4 full pages, A4 size;
• Do not modify header, footer or font size of the template;
• The presentation title must be included on the top of the first page of the extended abstract (title only, no authors or affiliations!);
• Summary, authors and affiliations may not be included in the extended abstract;
• Use font ‘Times New Roman 11pts’ with single line space and use the standard Word outline level (body text);
• Start the body text of your extended abstract directly under the event logo;
• NO additional empty lines to fill up the page;
• Margins 2.54 cm on all sides (1”);
• Including at least 1 graphic/figure;
• Including references;
• Save as or print to PDF; ensure that the PDF-paper size is A4 as Letter format is not allowed.
• Please make sure that in the final result the header and footer remain unchanged and no text or graphics are added;
To check if the printed PDF-paper size is still A4, please check that the page size equals 8.26 x 11.69 “ (± 0.01”) or 210 x 297 mm.
The complete list of requirements is included in the mandatory conference template . The lay-out of the references should be consistent with the style guide for references in the First Break guidance for authors. Please ensure every citation has a reference and vice versa.
Number the figures sequentially, according to their appearance in the text, and check that each figure is cited in the text.
Supply a short caption for each figure; more detailed discussion of the figure can be reserved for the text. Further information about the use of figure captions and figure numbering can be found in the First Break guidance for authors.
Example of an extended abstract [PDF:438KB], by courtesy of G.D. Wach. Kindly note that this example does not include the mandatory cover page.
Uploading your abstract
Your extended abstract will be uploaded in several steps using the online submission module. The uploaded extended abstract must be in PDF, other formats are not allowed. Unfortunately, we cannot accommodate submissions or revisions via email.
Submission deadline for the Technical Programme
Please note that the submission deadline is 15 January 2025, 23:59 CET. The portal will close automatically after this deadline.
Changes after the submission deadline
Please note that it is not possible to make changes to the submission information (e.g. add or delete co-authors) or the uploaded extended abstract after the submission deadline (15 January 2025, 23:59 CET).
It is possible to change the presenter to one of the co-authors.
Selection Process
The Selection Committee will consider all extended abstracts submitted via the portal and included in the review process. Authors will be notified by mid March 2025. The technical programme selection meeting has then taken place and the technical programme with definite session titles and presentation allocation is composed.
Each extended abstract will be reviewed by at least 2 referees prior to the technical programme selection meeting. The selection process is no formality, on average 2 out of every 5 submitted extended abstracts are rejected.
Please note that the results of the review process and the selection meeting are final and correspondence on them will not be possible.
The extended abstracts must be relevant to one of the conference topics. Authors are required to indicate the topic under which their extended abstract should be evaluated by the referees. Authors should also indicate their preference for either an oral or a poster presentation; certain material is more suitable for poster presentations, due to the details that need to be studied and discussed in more depth.
Oral and poster presentations are treated equally.
The accepted extended abstracts are published on EarthDoc in the accepted version and become official EAGE publications. Badly written extended abstracts not only reflect poorly on the authors, but also on the association. Many more people read the accepted extended abstracts than those attending the presentation. Therefore, EAGE will only consider properly written and informative extended abstracts that are submitted in line with the template instructions.
Authors are encouraged to submit their material for publication in one of the journals of the association. Acceptance for the conference does not guarantee acceptance for publication in one of the journals.
Please note that EAGE cannot make any contributions toward coverage of expenses relating to the presentation.
If you have to withdraw your presentation, please do so as soon as possible via the online response.
Kindly note that if you withdraw your presentation, the related extended abstract will not be uploaded to EarthDoc or, when uploaded before your withdrawal, it will be removed from the database.
Please note that the deadline to withdraw your presentation without consequences is 15 April 2025, 23:59 (CEST).
Withdrawal after deadline
If you withdraw your presentation after 15 April 2025 (23:59, CEST), you will be listed as no-show and you risk to be banned as a speaker at EAGE event until 3 years after the conference.
After this deadline it is still possible to list a co-author as replacement presenter. Kindly use the online response form to inform EAGE about the replacement presenter.
Support is available for accepted speakers who cannot obtain financial support from other sources. With the PACE programme, EAGE strives to encourage the exchange of information and knowledge among the global geoscientific community.
If granted, the PACE support will be limited to registration fee waivers only. In exceptional cases, upon carefully reviewing the application and motivation letter, the PACE committee may decide to award an additional support to contribute to applicant’s travel and accommodation expenses. Such support is being awarded only in exceptional well-founded cases. If you need such support, please explain your request in your motivation letter.
In order to qualify for PACE financial support, please take the following criteria into consideration:
- Only presenters of accepted oral and/or poster presentations who cannot obtain financial support given by their university/institute or other resources will be eligible to receive a grant.
- Speakers / presenters need to submit their own paper through their own account before applying for a grant.
- Only EAGE members will be eligible to receive a grant. You can apply or renew your membership here.
- A person will only be considered for financial support once every two years.
Applications for PACE Support are reviewed by the PACE Committee. Applications received outside the deadlines will not be considered. Seen the number of applications, the decision of the PACE Committee is final and cannot be corresponded about. Awarded grants cannot be transferred to other people or events, when not collected/used the right to the grant is forfeited.
The application for PACE grants closes on 31 January 2025 (CET).
Some Advice on Writing a Good Abstract
The below outline by Esther Bloem, a longtime contributor to EAGE events and publications and a member of our Near Surface Division, shows the steps required for putting together an abstract. First-time submitters should find this particularly useful.
Before you start writing
Select the EAGE event.
- Choose the most relevant EAGE event to present your research.
- Find information about the different events on the EAGE website.
- Which ones are relevant for your topic?
- When are the EAGE events?
- What audience are you looking for?
Make a planning. Writing an extended abstract is not done in just one hour. Think of:
- When is the deadline for submission? To prevent last minute problems, it is recommended to submit your extended abstract(s) early, at least 24 hours before the deadline.
- Go through the online submission to check what requirements are needed besides the abstract like authors, title, summary, keywords, etc. Avoid last minute surprises.
- Download the mandatory template to be used for your extended abstract.
- What are the requirements for the extended abstracts for the event? For example, the number of pages, if a cover page needs to be created, font and font size, etc. This will also be listed in the mandatory template.
Let the writing begin
Write down the message you would like to present. This is the objective of your abstract. Think of:
- What aspect of your research would you like to present?
- On which aspect of your research do you like to get feedback?
- What is the most groundbreaking result(s) you have?
- What will your audience be interested in?
- Normally for an article, there can only be one message. Keep this simple. People should not get confused.
Select your figures
- These visually show the message of your study. A figure can sometimes tell more than a thousand words.
- Ensure that the selected figures are readable at print size.
A 4-page abstract should include:
- introduction (~0.5 page),
- materials and methods (~1 page),
- results and discussion (~1.5 page),
- conclusions and references (~1 page).
The abstract should be readable, stand-alone and complete.
Start (after you have your objective and figures copied to the abstract) with the materials and methods.
- This is what you have done.
- How is the study performed?
The readers should be able to repeat the study after reading the materials and methods.
Write results.
- What are the results of the performed study?
Write discussion.
- In the discussion focus on combining results and answering your objective.
- What does this study add to the existing literature?
- The background
- The problem you are addressing
- The objective of your study
Write conclusions.
- Conclusions must address your objective.
- Check that the results and discussion support the conclusion.
Write the references and acknowledgement.
Do not forget a title, which covers the objective of this study, and include the relevant co-authors. Let them review your abstract before submission.
Call for Reviewers and Chairpersons
The reviewing and evaluation of abstract is essential to assure the success and quality of the Technical Programme.
The members of the Technical Programme Selection meeting use the review scores and comments from the reviewers to create the programme.
During the conference the technical sessions preferably have two co-chairs. We depend on the session (co-)chairs to guide and manage the sessions, help with the Q&A, promote on topic conversation/debate and keep track of time.
EAGE would like to invite you to review papers before the event and/or chair sessions during the event by sending an email to us. Please include a short resumé in your email. If you do not have one, please feel free to use this template.
Criteria (reviewer and/or session chair):
It will be helpful if you include the following items in your CV/resumé:
- The number of years of academic and work experience;
- If you have presented at an international conference (for example EAGE’s Annual);
- A list of publications in your name;
- If you have chaired or reviewed for other EAGE events or journals before.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation and we look forward to welcoming you to EAGE’s Annual event.
Advice by EAGE experts
Chairing is a key element contributing to the success of a presentation, as well as to a productive scientific exchange.
We have interviewed a group of EAGE experts and asked them for their tips and tricks for chairing a good session. All video interviews are available on our LearningGeoscience platform.
EAGE acknowledges the use of generative AI tools, like ChatGPT, Bard, etc, in research publications, books, articles and abstracts. However, some concerns have been raised about these tools and therefore EAGE has some rules in place. Refer to the EAGE statement on AI generated content for papers for more details.
SPE EuropEC 2023, taking place at the 84th EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition is the ideal environment for energy professionals from across the world to share ideas in order to advance their knowledge in the complex and wide fields of geoscience and engineering.
As a part of Europe’s largest multidisciplinary geoscience and engineering event, the 2023 SPE Europe Energy Conference brings together key leaders and professionals from the energy, oil and gas, mining and other subsurface industries providing a unique opportunity for collaboration, research and innovation with the aim to advance decarbonisation.
The deadline for submissions to the SPE EuropEC was 17 October 2022.
Submission deadline for the Technical Programme: 15 January 2024, 23:59 CET,
Anti-Plagiarism Statement
EAGE invites the presentation of new and original material in a range of multi-disciplinary topics in Geoscience and Engineering. The EAGE takes plagiarism very seriously. Therefore, if an extended abstract or paper, after careful review, examination and consideration, is rejected on the basis of plagiarism, ALL authors of the abstract/paper will be denied the opportunity for further abstract submissions for the following three years. Note that this means that NO abstracts/papers from ANY of the authors (as author or co-author on subsequent papers) will be accepted for ANY EAGE event (Annual Meeting or Workshop) for a period of three years starting on the date of the event for which the paper was originally submitted.
Layout of Extended Abstract
Titles should be relevant and short (max. 16 words allowed, ‘ – ‘ is considered one (1) word). This title must be included on the first page of the extended abstract (first page only).
Extended abstracts must be in English, original and not have appeared in any other publication.
The body of the extended abstract needs to be four (4) full pages in length, paper size A4. Longer or shorter sized abstracts will not be included in the review process and consequently be rejected. The extended abstract should consist of text and appropriate figures supporting the key message. The text should contain at least one figure and references. Four pages of text alone are unacceptable.
Please do not use more than 1 column for text, do not frame the text, and please upload the body of your extended abstract as one document with embedded figures.
Smaller figures may be placed in 2 columns. The caption of these figures may be placed in 2 columns as well but may also be placed in 1 column (alignment justified).
A good extended abstract set in the conference template consists of an introduction, the main description of theory or method broken down as appropriate and illustrated with figures, conclusions, optional acknowledgements and references. It should reflect work that is actually completed at the time of submission and not plans or ideas that are still taking shape in the mind of the author or research that is still highly immature.
The extended abstract must concentrate in itself the essential information of the presentation: purpose, methods, results and conclusions. It should be an abbreviated, informative, accurate representation of the presentation and not a mere recital of the subjects to be covered.
Template usage Extended Abstract
• 4 full pages, A4 size;
• Do not modify header, footer or font size of the template;
• The presentation title must be included on the first page of the extended abstract (title only, no authors or affiliations!);
• Summary, authors and affiliations may not be included in the extended abstract;
• Use font ‘Times New Roman 11pts’ with single line space and use the standard Word outline level (body text);
• Start the body text of your extended abstract directly under the event logo;
• NO additional empty lines to fill up the page;
• Margins 2.54cm on all sides (1”);
• Including at least 1 graphic/figure;
• Including references;
• Save as or print to PDF; ensure that the PDF-paper size is A4 as Letter format is not allowed.
• Please make sure that in the final result the header and footer remain unchanged and no text or graphics are added;
To check if the printed PDF-paper size is still A4, please check that the page size equals 8.26 x 11.69 “ (± 0.01”) or 210 x 297 mm.
The complete list of requirements is included in the mandatory conference template.
The lay-out of the references should be consistent with the style guide for references in the First Break guidance for authors. Please ensure every citation has a reference and vice versa.
Number the figures sequentially, according to their appearance in the text, and check that each figure is cited in the text.
Supply a short caption for each figure; more detailed discussion of the figure can be reserved for the text. Further information about the use of figure captions and figure numbering can be found in the First Break guidance for authors.
Uploading your abstract
Your extended abstract will be uploaded in several steps using the online submission module. The mandatory template is available in Word and in LaTeX (will be available in October 2023). The uploaded extended abstract must be in PDF, other formats are not allowed.
Unfortunately, we cannot accommodate submissions or revisions via email.
Submission deadline for the Technical Programme
Please note that the submission deadline is 15 January 2024, 23:59 (CET). The portal will close automatically after this deadline.
Changes after the submission deadline
Please note that it is not possible to make changes to the submission information (e.g. add or delete co-authors) or the uploaded extended abstract after the submission deadline (15 January 2024, 23:59 CET).
It is possible to change the presenter to one of the co-authors.
Selection Process
The Selection Committee will consider all extended abstracts submitted via the portal and included in the review process. Authors will be notified by mid March 2024. The technical programme selection meeting has then taken place and the technical programme with definite session titles and presentation allocation is composed.
Each extended abstract will be reviewed by at least 2 referees prior to the technical programme selection meeting. The selection process is no formality, on average 2 out of every 5 submitted extended abstracts is rejected.
Please note that the results of the review process and the selection meeting are final and correspondence on them will not be possible.
The extended abstracts must be relevant to one of the conference topics. Authors are required to indicate the topic under which their extended abstract should be evaluated by the referees. Authors should also indicate their preference for either an oral or a poster presentation; certain material is more suitable for poster presentations, due to the details that need to be studied and discussed in more depth.
Oral and poster presentations are treated equally.
The accepted extended abstract is published on EarthDoc, which is an official EAGE publications, as submitted. Badly written extended abstracts not only reflect poorly on the authors, but also on the association. Many more people read the accepted extended abstracts than those attending the presentation. Therefore, EAGE will only consider properly written and informative extended abstracts that are submitted in line with the template instructions.
Authors are encouraged to submit their material for publication in one of the journals of the association. Acceptance for the conference does not guarantee acceptance for publication in one of the journals.
Please note that EAGE cannot make any contributions toward coverage of expenses relating to the presentation.
Some Advice on Writing a Good Abstract
The below outline by Esther Bloem, a longtime contributor to EAGE events and publications and a member of our Near Surface Division, shows the steps required for putting together an abstract. First-time submitters should find this particularly useful.
Before you start writing
Select the EAGE event.
- Choose the most relevant EAGE event to present your research.
- Find information about the different events on the EAGE website.
- Which ones are relevant for your topic?
- When are the EAGE events?
- What audience are you looking for?
Make a planning. Writing an extended abstract is not done in just one hour. Think of:
- When is the deadline for submission? To prevent last minute problems, it is recommended to submit your extended abstract(s) early, at least 24 hours before the deadline.
- Go through the online submission to check what requirements are needed besides the abstract like authors, title, summary, keywords, etc. Avoid last minute surprises.
- Download the mandatory template to be used for your extended abstract.
- What are the requirements for the extended abstracts for the event? For example, the number of pages, if a cover page needs to be created, font and font size, etc. This will also be listed in the mandatory template.
Let the writing begin
Write down the message you would like to present. This is the objective of your abstract. Think of:
- What aspect of your research would you like to present?
- On which aspect of your research do you like to get feedback?
- What is the most groundbreaking result(s) you have?
- What will your audience be interested in?
- Normally for an article, there can only be one message. Keep this simple. People should not get confused.
Select your figures
- These visually show the message of your study. A figure can sometimes tell more than a thousand words.
- Ensure that the selected figures are readable at print size.
A 4-page abstract should include:
- introduction (~0.5 page),
- materials and methods (~1 page),
- results and discussion (~1.5 page),
- conclusions and references (~1 page).
The abstract should be readable, stand-alone and complete.
Start (after you have your objective and figures copied to the abstract) with the materials and methods.
- This is what you have done.
- How is the study performed?
The readers should be able to repeat the study after reading the materials and methods.
Write results.
- What are the results of the performed study?
Write discussion.
- In the discussion focus on combining results and answering your objective.
- What does this study add to the existing literature?
- The background
- The problem you are addressing
- The objective of your study
Write conclusions.
- Conclusions must address your objective.
- Check that the results and discussion support the conclusion.
Write the references and acknowledgement.
Do not forget a title, which covers the objective of this study, and include the relevant co-authors. Let them review your abstract before submission.
In-person Event with Online Elements
The conference will be organised as an in-person event with online elements, including online participation opportunities.
If you are not allowed to travel or to attend the conference in person, this still allows you to present your work in the technical programme of the conference.
Please keep in mind that a pre-recorded video (max 15 minutes, in video format) is required for of all accepted presentations.
It is not be possible to do the presentation online or to share your screen: the video will be used in case of online attendance.
The result of the selection process will be communicated to speakers after the selection meeting, which is scheduled in the last week of February 2022. We strive to communicate the results of the selection process by early March 2022 at the latest.
Information for Presenters Next steps – overview
Please take a look at the important next steps. Read more details about these steps on the linked pages.
Confirm your presentation
Confirm yourself or a co-author as presenter via the online form. Follow this link for details.
Please note that you should start applying for your visa as soon as you have received this email. Check the registration page for information on how to request an official invitation.
Register for the conference
Speakers must register for the conference. Select your registration type and register now!
Book your accommodation
The number of hotels near the venue is limited. EAGE recommends booking your accommodation in advance.
Learn from the experts!
Joining the EAGE Annual as a presenter is a great way to share your research, connect with professionals from around the world, and more. Watch the videos for tips and tricks on your presentation.
How to Present to a Live Audience?
We have a series of videos focusing exactly on this!
EAGE experts shared things to avoid and things to remember when preparing for your next presentation. Watch the teaser or watch the complete videos via the buttons below.
Presentation format
The conference will be organised as an in person event only.
If you are you cannot join us in Vienna unexpectedly, you risk being banned as a speaker at EAGE events for 3 years.
Proceedings on EarthDoc
Please keep in mind that if you withdraw your presentation, it will also be removed from EarthDoc.
Your extended abstract(s) will be published on EarthDoc, EAGE’s publication database, 2 weeks prior to the event at the latest.
We urge every speaker/submitter author to check that the abstract(s) has been published correctly, including all the metadata, such as the title, author(s) name(s) and affiliation(s).
Requests for correction will not be accepted later than two weeks after the event’s start date. All requests for correction after this date will be charged.
Content changes are not allowed after the abstract has been reviewed and accepted for presentation.
Programme Changes
EAGE reserves the right at all times to make changes in the time schedule, dates, format (hybrid – in person – online), concept of the event.
If, due to circumstances beyond the reasonable control of EAGE the execution of the Event as planned is prevented or impeded, or when the minimum number of Participants needed to operate the Event (or part of the event) is not reached, EAGE has the following rights:
a.) to change the time and/or date of the Event;
b.) to change the venue where the Event takes place;
c.) to change the Format (on-site, on-line or a combination of both) or part of the format, the length, the duration or scope of the event
Presentation Cancellation Policy
If you have to withdraw your presentation, please do so as soon as possible via the online response.
Kindly note that if you withdraw your presentation, the related extended abstract will not be uploaded to EarthDoc or, when uploaded before your withdrawal, it will be removed from the database.
Please note that the deadline to withdraw your presentation without consequences is 15 April 2024, 23:59 CEST.
Withdrawal after deadline
If you withdraw your presentation after 15 April 2024 (23:59 CEST), you will be listed as no-show and you risk to be banned as a speaker at EAGE event until 3 years after the conference.
After this deadline it is still possible to list a co-author as replacement presenter. Kindly use the online response form to inform EAGE about the replacement presenter.
If you have any questions about the technical programme, please contact us.
Confirm the name of the presenter
In order to be able to present in any session, all speakers in the technical programme must be registered for the conference.
Submit the online response form as soon as possible to:
- Confirm the name of the presenter ;
- Inform us of the replacement presenter (also to be used if submitting co-author is not the presenting co-author);
- Withdraw your presentation (deadline 15 April 2024, 23:59 CEST).
Please keep in mind that the paper numbers of the presentations are listed in the acceptance email.
Use the form to:
1. Confirm the name of the presenter
When the name of the presenter is confirmed, they will be listed as a ‘Confirmed speaker’. In the registration process this is checked to calculate the correct registration fee for presenters.
As soon as the form has been processed, you will receive an automated notification to confirm that you the system will then recognize you as ‘Confirmed speaker’.
2. Inform us of the co-author who will replace you as presenter
If a co-author will give the presentation, the submission needs to be moved to their account. To do so, we need the name and email address of the co-author. Please keep in mind that the email address that you mention and the login name used by the co-author to access the EAGE website need to be the same.
If the co-author does not have an account yet, they need to create one on the EAGE website.
3. Withdraw your presentation
If you have to withdraw your presentation, please keep in mind to do so by 15 April 2024 (23:59 CEST) at the latest. If you have to withdraw your presentation after this date, you risk being banned as a speaker for EAGE events for 3 years (see also the Presentation Cancellation Policy at the General Information tab).
Presentation Upload
Oral Presentations
Oral presenters will each have 20 minutes for their presentation:
- 15 minutes for Presentation
- 5 minutes for Q&A
Please download the mandatory Power Point Presentation Template for your presentation.
If you give your oral presentation on your own merit (see acceptance email), please use the following link to download the Own Merit Power Point Template.
Guidelines for Speakers
A good oral presentation has a clear objective, a well-defined structure and uses clear and simple illustrations.
Objective & Structure
Your objective defines what you wish to achieve with your presentation. To achieve a realistic objective you must consider the characteristics of your audience: their motives for attending your presentation, their interests, their knowledge level and their intentions.
The structure of a good presentation is as follows:
- Define the subject, give a general outline and state the goals of your presentation in your introduction.
- Work out your presentation in more detail.
- Summarise and draw conclusions, which refer back to your introduction.
Please be very careful that your presentation is scientific and not commercial. In addition, the company logo or trademarks are allowed only in the first and on the last page of the power point slides.
We recommend you to make an overview with the estimated timing of your presentation and to prepare yourself for questions from the audience. Rehearsal of your presentation is strongly recommended! Please note that presenting to a live audience can take a little longer than during a rehearsal.
It is important to adhere to the time schedule: 20 minutes in total per presentation (in example 15 minutes speaking time and 5 minutes question time).
Poster Presentations
The poster sessions will focus on interaction and informal exchange of ideas and discussions between participants. All on-site poster presenters have in total 60 minutes to present their work during the poster session, including time for questions. However posters will be on display during all day of presenting. This should be mounted between 08:00 hrs and 09:00 hrs (TBC).
If you give your poster presentation on your own merit (see acceptance email), it is not allowed to include the company name, company logo or a reference to the company to your printed poster.
What to Prepare?
A0 Poster (Printed) using mandatory Poster Template (pdf) or Poster Template (ppt).
In order to obtain a design for your poster which aims to generate active discussion it is recommended to:
- Include the paper reference (abstract number) and presentation title on your poster;
- Place the highlights at eye level (i.e. the upper half of the wall element);
- Divide each poster into at least three equal columns for readability of text. Illustrations may extend over 2 or 3 columns;
- Text and Character Size:
- Word-process all text (including captions) and print on a plain light coloured background.
- Use a minimum font size of 18 points. (Text should be readable from 2 meters away.)
- Illustrations:
- Should have a resolution of 300 dpi to be suitable for printing on A0.
- Should be placed large enough on the poster so it is readable from five feet away.
- Poster Format:
- The maximum allowed paper size is A0.
- There is one (1) poster board available per presentation; you are required to use ‘Portrait’ layout for your poster.
Please be very careful that your presentation is scientific and not commercial. In addition, the company logo or trademarks are allowed only in small size on the poster.
Playlist EAGE experts
Information for Chairpersons
Session chairs help to keep the session running smoothly during the conference. Session chairs are responsible for the following:
- Introducing speakers and talks;
- Keeping track of presentation and Q&A time;
- Moderation of Q&A;
- Leading a discussion in case of a late presentation withdrawal or a no-show.
Sign up as a reviewer or session chair Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean non aliquam sem. Duis cursus, nisi sed pulvinar luctus, ex dolor dapibus diam, eu ullamcorper diam lectus id ante. Suspendisse at eleifend nulla, id eleifend lacus. Maecenas congue enim sit amet massa imperdiet vehicula. Donec vel mi aliquet, tincidunt sapien nec, mollis ipsum. Pellentesque pretium massa a tempor sagittis. Morbi suscipit tempus orci, at rhoncus nisl consectetur et.
Donec eget mauris porttitor leo sodales dapibus. Duis id odio id diam consectetur convallis vel ut nisl. Cras sit amet placerat nisi. Mauris eget arcu ornare, egestas odio quis, tincidunt massa. Aliquam tortor dui, porttitor vel bibendum id, ultrices sit amet ligula. Aliquam viverra laoreet iaculis. Etiam porta felis ultrices justo sagittis tincidunt. Pellentesque bibendum tristique metus a ultrices. Proin vitae elit sed est tristique feugiat at vulputate nulla. Morbi consequat porttitor accumsan.
1A-1. EM Methods
1A-2. Potential Field Methods
1A-3. Remote Sensing
1B-1. Acquisition Geometries & Hardware
1B-2. Simultaneous Source
1B-3. Multi Component
1B-4. Time-lapse (4D)
1B-5. High Resolution for Shallow Subsurface
1B-6. Borehole Seismic Methods
1B-7. Distributed Acoustic Sensing
1B-8. Micro & Passive Seismic
1C-1. Multiple Attenuation
1C-2. Noise Attenuation
1C-3. Near-Surface Corrections
1C-4. Regularization/Compressive Sensing
1C.5. Signal Processing
1C-6. ML & AI for Seismic Processing
1D-1. Imaging Theory & Wavefield Modelling
1D-2. Diffraction & Multiple Imaging
1D-3. Full Waveform Inversion – Velocities
1D-4. Full Waveform Inversion – Imaging
1D-5. Velocity Model Case Studies
1D-6. Imaging Case Studies
1D-7. ML & AI for Seismic Imaging & Velocities
1E-1. Quantitative Interpretation & AVO
1E-2. Seismic Reservoir Characterization
1E-3. Monitoring
1E-4. Rock Physics
1E-5. Anisotropy & Fractured Reservoirs
1E-6. Seismic Attributes
1E-7. ML & AI for Seismic Interpretation & Characterization
Reservoir Engineering
Integrated Subsurface
Energy Transition
Mining and Infrastructure
Data & Computer Science
Dedicated sessions will be offered to complement the technical programme, adding to its depth and variety.
The dedicated sessions of the 83rd EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition will be organized by the EAGE Technical Communities below:
8.01 AI in Geoscience and Geophysics: Current Trends and Future Prospects
Dr Cédric John (Imperial College London)
Dr Jan H. van de Mortel (Independent)
The term ‘Artificial Intelligence’ or ‘AI’ is generally used to refer to the combined fields of data science, machine learning and deep learning.
Although there is no ‘Intelligent machine’ yet, AI has revolutionised industries around the world, including in the geosciences and in energy companies. This highlight session will showcase a range of invited speakers from both industry and academia.
The session has two main objectives:
the first objective is to demonstrate how AI is currently impacting our industry, and how. This can include for instance routine application of unsupervised learning to seismic volume in order to extract meaningful attributes, use of computer vision to automate thin section and core analysis, automatic interpretation of logging data using machine learning, and applications of natural language processing to facilitate text extraction and analysis.
The second objective is to look towards the future of AI in our field. Invited speakers will cover emerging technologies such as the use of physics informed neural networks (PINN), process-based modelling using deep learning, applications of transformers in image and geologic time series analysis, efforts to develop interpretable deep learning models, and improved solver to speed up and stabilize network learning.
The invited expert speakers will be encouraged to address the following overarching questions: What is the potential of each technique? Is AI in its current form likely to stay? What are the promises and potential danger of future applications and algorithms?
8.02 Energy Transition Technologies Powering Progress towards a Net Zero Future
Mr Benjamin Bellwald (Volcanic Basin Petroleum Research A.S.)
Ms Carla Martín Clavé (Jacobs)
Mr Augusto Correnti (Shell)
Efforts in energy transition and decarbonization are of the utmost urgency, and measures should be taken with immediate effect.
In this dedicated session we welcome contributions about technologies with the potential to significantly power a net zero future. The session covers technological solutions focusing on shallow and deep subsurface and beyond, spanning from offshore wind to carbon capture and storage including hydrogen and geothermal energy solutions.
The implications related to the decisions made during the climate conference in Glasgow (COP26) will further be discussed during this dedicated session.
8.03 Petroleum Systems of Mediterranean Sea
Dr Jean-Jacques Biteau (Independent)
Dr Axel Wenke (Equinor ASA)
This session will focus on different types of Petroleum Systems of the Mediterranean Sea and adjacent areas
8.04 Present and Future In Seismic Interpretation
Mr Rutger Gras (Independent)
Dr Cyrille Reiser (PGS)
The present-day practice of seismic interpretation and reservoir geoscience is rapidly evolving under the influence of technical and energy industry drivers.
On one hand the technology that enables seismic interpretation, and other related activities such as rock physics, seismic inversion, is rapidly moving forward: increasingly sophisticated acquisition and processing-imaging, quantitative interpretation, 3D-volume-based techniques, integration into workflows, open source tools and cloud-enabled computing leave a strong imprint on the day-to-day working practice of the end-user geoscientist.
On the other hand the accelerated transition from fossil energy to renewables since the 2020 watershed triggered a revolution and a crew change that challenges the traditional geophysical practice: the interpretation and subsurface understanding task remains, but the demands and constraints by the stakeholders are often radically different.
The Seismic Interpretation dedicated session in Madrid explores these trends and attempts to trace the trajectory going forward in the years to come.
8.05 Current Trends in Mineral Exploration Geophysics
Dr Deyan Draganov (TU Delft)
This dedicated session will present current trends in mining exploration geophysics using different methods, e.g. seismic, electric, electromagnetic, gravity.
Both passive-source and active-source exploration methods are targeted. The latter is especially important for seismic exploration as passive sources would allow minimizing the environmental impact.
Support is available for accepted speakers who cannot obtain financial support from other sources. With the PACE programme, EAGE strives to encourage the exchange of information and knowledge among the global geoscientific community.
If granted, the PACE support will be limited to registration fee waivers only. In exceptional cases, upon carefully reviewing the application and motivation letter, the PACE committee may decide to award an additional support to contribute to applicant’s travel and accommodation expenses. Such support is being awarded only in exceptional well-founded cases. If you need such support, please explain your request in your motivation letter.
In order to qualify for PACE financial support, please take the following criteria into consideration:
- Only presenters of accepted oral and/or poster presentations who cannot obtain financial support given by their university/institute or other resources will be eligible to receive a grant.
- Speakers / presenters need to submit their own paper through their own account before applying for a grant.
- Only EAGE members will be eligible to receive a grant. You can apply or renew your membership here.
- A person will only be considered for financial support once every two years.
Applications for PACE Support are reviewed by the PACE Committee. Applications received outside the deadlines will not be considered. Seen the number of applications, the decision of the PACE Committee is final and cannot be corresponded about. Awarded grants cannot be transferred to other people or events, when not collected/used the right to the grant is forfeited.
The application for PACE grants closes on 31 January 2025 (CET).
A good oral presentation has a clear objective, a well-defined structure and uses clear and simple illustrations.
A poster presentation is an ideal medium for an informal exchange of ideas and for discussions between participants.
The EAGE believes that poster presentations are equal in importance to oral presentations.
The templates for your presentation(s)
Please use the following links to download:
- The mandatory Template for orals for your oral presentation(s);
- If you will give your oral presentation on your own merit (see acceptance email), please use the following link to download the Template – on your own merit for your oral presentation(s);
- The mandatory Template for posters (pdf format) or Template for posters (ppt format) for your poster presentation(s).
The structure of a good presentation is as follows:
- Define the subject, give a general outline and state the goals of your presentation in your introduction.
- Work out your presentation in more detail.
- Summarise and draw conclusions, which refer back to your introduction.
Please be very careful that your presentation is scientific and not commercial. In addition, the company logo or trademarks are allowed only in the first and on the last page of the power point slides (oral presentations) or in small size on the printed poster.
We recommend you to make an overview with the estimated timing of your presentation and to prepare yourself for questions from the audience. Rehearsal of your presentation is strongly recommended! Please note that presenting to a live audience can take a little longer than during a rehearsal.
It is important to adhere to the time schedule: 20 minutes in total per presentation (15 minutes speaking time and 5 minutes question time).
In-person presentations
Generally, audience’s attention is high at the beginning of an oral presentation, will decrease and is at its worst about two thirds of the way through. When you reach the conclusion, their attention will increase again. You can help your audience to concentrate by restricting detail to a minimum, using variety in visual aids and tone of voice, maintaining eye contact and by summarising frequently.
To have a successful poster presentation, make sure your printed poster is attractive, well laid out and largely self-explanatory. The explanation of your poster should complement your visual display.
In order to be able to present in any session (oral/poster), all speakers in the technical programme must be registered for the conference.
Submit the online speaker confirmation form by as soon as possible to:
- Confirm the name of the presenter and get a speaker registration discount: confirmed speakers can register on Early bird fee by the end of the Regular registration fee period;
- Inform us of the replacement presenter;
- Withdraw your presentation (deadline 15 April 2024, 23:59 CEST).
Additional information on the mentioned options is listed below.
Use the form to:
- Confirm the name of the presenter
When the name of the presenter is confirmed, they will be listed as a ‘Confirmed speaker’. In the registration process this is checked to calculate the correct registration fee for presenters.
As soon as the form has been processed, you will receive an automated notification to confirm that you the system will then recognize you as ‘Confirmed speaker’. - Inform us of the co-author who will replace you as presenter
If a co-author will give the presentation, the submission needs to be moved to their account. To do so, we need the name and email address of the co-author. Please keep in mind that the email address that you mention and the login name used by the co-author to access the EAGE website need to be the same.
If the co-author does not have an account yet, they need to create one on the EAGE website. - Withdraw your presentation
If you have to withdraw your presentation, please keep in mind to do so by 15 April 2024 (23:59 CEST) at the latest. If you have to withdraw your presentation after this date, you risk being banned as a speaker for EAGE events for 3 years (see also the Presentation Cancellation Policy).
Presentation format
The conference will be organised as an in person event.
You CAN NOT present remotely in Oslo.
EAGE reserves the right at all times to make changes in the time schedule, dates, format (hybrid-in person – online), concept of the event.
If, due to circumstances beyond the reasonable control of EAGE the execution of the Event as planned is prevented or impeded, or when the minimum number of Participants needed to operate the Event (or part of the event) is not reached, EAGE has the following rights:
- to change the time and /or date of the Event;
- to change the venue where the Event takes place;
- to change the Format (on-site, on-line or a combination of both) or part of the format, the length, the duration or scope of the event
Access the form
To access the form, use the link with the auto login token from your acceptance email or login with your EAGE credentials on the Presenter Name Confirmation form.
Please keep in mind that the paper numbers of the presentations are listed in the acceptance email.
If you have any questions about the form, please feel free to contact us at
Presentation video - in person event with online elements
If you are not allowed to travel or to attend the conference in person, this still allows you to present your work in the technical programme of the conference.
Please keep in mind that a pre-recorded video (max 15 minutes, in video format) is required for of all accepted presentations. It will not be possible to do the presentation online; the video will then be used.
Your presentation video will also be used if you unexpectedly cannot join us in Madrid at the last minute.
Prepare your presentation - template
Oral presentation: use the mandatory Template for Orals to prepare your oral presentation.
Poster presentation: use the mandatory Template for Posters to prepare your poster presentation (will be available by mid March 2022 at the latest).
If you have questions about the use of the template, please contact EAGE at
Please keep in mind that the focus of the presentations is the scientific content. It is not allowed to include your company logo or name on all slides of the template. It is allowed to include the company logo or name on the first and the last slide of the presentation (please also check the acceptance email, as important information is included there).
Pre-recorded video presentation
Pre-record your presentation. Keep in mind that if you include a frame of yourself, it will cover part of the screen and text and graphics will not be visible there.
Your presentation video should be:
- Maximum 15 minutes presentation time, this leaves 5 minutes for Q&A;
- Save the presentation using the paper number, your first name and last name:
- “XXXX_FirstName_LastName”;
- XXXX is the paper number (see acceptance email);
- Save the file in video format (e.g. mp4, m4v, mkv, etc.). Preferred format is mp4. Please keep in mind that a powerpoint presentation with recorded audio is not a video format.
For example, the presentation for paper number 1 will be “1_EAGE_Abstracts”.
The presentation is important!
If your video looks good, you look good too and you make a better impression and have more impact on your audience.
Follow a few simple rules and apply certain “tricks” when recording your presentation. It will look more professional.
- Ensure the quality of both audio and video is good. For quality purposes, we recommend the use of a separate headset with integrated microphone;
- Do an audio sound check before recording.
- Output set to 1920 x 1080 full HD; if that is not possible, use the setting as close to this one as possible (720 HD);
- Disable system messages and warnings, like e-mail notifications, skype messages, etc.;
- When recording, limit the background noise (separate room/location);
Rehearse the presentation several times to check the duration of the presentations. Stick to the time limits:
- Summary video: max 5 minutes;
- Presentation video: max 15 minutes.
- Speak clearly and not too quick;
- Check if there is a delay between starting the recording (click the ‘Record’ button) and the recording of audio and video.
Recording the videos
- Test the quality of both audio and video before recording;
- Introduce yourself at the start of your presentation, including your name and the title of your presentation;
- Do not speak too quickly;
- Keep in mind that what you include in your video, will be available online.
- If you also include a picture in picture recording of yourself in the presentation, please feel free to do so. Be aware that the frame of yourself will be covering a part of the presentation slides.
- When including a picture in picture:
- Be sure to be visible and well positioned as well as illuminated properly;
- Be sure to have a source of light (windows, bulbs etc.) in front of you or slightly from the side;
- Try to align your face parallel to the webcam.
- If the laptop is too low you can place some books underneath to raise it a little, rather than tilting the screen.
- Make sure only intended content is included in the presentation.
- Summary time (5 minutes max) may not be exceeded. Use the time well to summarize your presentation video (no extensive introduction).
Check your video
View the presentation video on another device to check the quality of the recording (e.g. sound too soft / loud, level of background noise, etc.).
If you have to withdraw your presentation, please do so as soon as possible via the online response.
Kindly note that if you withdraw your presentation, the related extended abstract will not be uploaded to EarthDoc or, when uploaded before your withdrawal, it will be removed from the database.
Please note that the deadline to withdraw your presentation without consequences is 15 April 2025, 23:59 (CEST).
Withdrawal after deadline
If you withdraw your presentation after 15 April 2025 (23:59, CEST), you will be listed as no-show and you risk to be banned as a speaker at EAGE event until 3 years after the conference.
After this deadline it is still possible to list a co-author as replacement presenter. Kindly use the online response form to inform EAGE about the replacement presenter.
Call for Reviewers and Chairpersons
The reviewing and evaluation of abstract is essential to assure the success and quality of the Technical Programme.
The members of the Technical Programme Selection meeting use the review scores and comments from the reviewers to create the programme.
During the conference the technical sessions preferably have two co-chairs. We depend on the session (co-)chairs to guide and manage the sessions, help with the Q&A, promote on topic conversation/debate and keep track of time.
EAGE would like to invite you to review papers before the event and/or chair sessions during the event by sending an email to us. Please include a short resumé in your email. If you do not have one, please feel free to use this template.
Criteria (reviewer and/or session chair):
It will be helpful if you include the following items in your CV/resumé:
- The number of years of academic and work experience;
- If you have presented at an international conference (for example EAGE’s Annual);
- A list of publications in your name;
- If you have chaired or reviewed for other EAGE events or journals before.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation and we look forward to welcoming you to EAGE’s Annual event.
Advice by EAGE experts
Chairing is a key element contributing to the success of a presentation, as well as to a productive scientific exchange.
We have interviewed a group of EAGE experts and asked them for their tips and tricks for chairing a good session. All video interviews are available on our LearningGeoscience platform.
Technical Programme Sponsors

Technical Programme Sponsors