Call for Dedicated Sessions
This page is intended for persons who have been invited by EAGE to organize a Dedicated Session as part of the conference programme. Dedicated Sessions are meant to complement the Technical Programme, adding to its depth and variety. Please read all of the below details very carefully before submitting your proposal.
Important Submission Deadlines
Dedicated Session Name and Description
Dedicated Sessions Call for Abstracts Deadline
Dedicated Session Setup in the Technical Programme
Please read the instructions below carefully.
Dedicated Sessions are organised as part of the Technical Programme. The setup and layout of the sessions shall be similar to the other Technical Programme sessions.
Abstract submissions are required for all invited speakers in a Dedicated Session.
Please note that the submission of the invited speakers should be completed by 15 January 2024, 23:59 (CET). Submissions after this deadline are no longer possible. Please note that only reviewed and presented extended abstracts will be included in the proceedings and published on EarthDoc.
The submitted extended abstract must adhere to the general requirements that apply to submissions for the technical programme. These requirements are mentioned in the Submission Instructions. The link to the Call for Abstracts Portal for Dedicated Sessions will be sent to the champions after the proposals are received (3 November).
The topics of the Dedicated Sessions will be listed in the dedicated submission portal with the addition of the remark “Invited speakers only”. To submit for a specific session, the invited speaker needs to select the name of the dedicated session from the topics list in the portal.
As soon as the selection has been finalised and session names are included, the results of the selection process will be communicated to the authors of all submissions for the Technical Programme. The presenters in the Dedicated Sessions will be included in this communication and will receive all information for presenters.
Please note that anyone who wants to attend a technical session must register for the conference, including chairpersons, champions and (invited) speakers. However, they can register against a reduced fee during the regular fee period.
Support for speakers will be available via the PACE programme. In due time the event website will include information on conditions and the deadline for applications. For general information on the PACE programme, please visit the page on Individual Support or contact us.
For unemployed speakers or champions it is also possible to apply for support via the Economic Hardship Programme. For more information on this programme, please visit this page.
The EAGE office is available to assist if required or to answer any questions you might have. Please include “Vienna 2023” as a reference in the subject of your email message.
For all questions regarding registration
For all other questions about the EAGE Annual