Workshop 1

Towards good practice for geophysical monitoring of CO2 storage Sunday, June 1st – Monday, June 2nd |


  • Elodie Morgan (SpotLight)
  • Sara Minisini (Shell)
  • Didier Rappin (TotalEnergies)
  • Estelle Rebel (TotalEnergies)
  • Piero Basini (TotalEnergies)
  • Bastien Dupuy (SINTEF)
  • Michael Jordan (SINTEF)
  • Herve Chauris (Mines Paris)
  • Alexandre Kazantsev (Storengy)
  • Anne-Kari Furre (Equinor)
  • Jorg Herwanger (Sharp Reflection)


This workshop addresses key monitoring challenges in CO2 storage at an industrial scale, including needs and requirements for Measurement Monitoring and Verification (MMV) plans, experiences and examples from field sites and different monitoring solutions.

Participants will hear from operators currently running/developing CO2 storage projects, from regulators sharing their thoughts on MMV requirements and feedback on licensing/permitting processes, and experts discussing state-of-the-art monitoring methods including adaptive and innovative technologies available to meet CO2 storage monitoring needs. Gain insights from industry leaders, regulators, and technology innovators advancing CO2 storage monitoring standards.

Sub-Topics that will be covered in the workshop:

Monitoring Requirements: Regulatory and operator needs for MMV, including updates from permitting rounds and site-specific challenges.

Field Experience: Lessons from historical projects and research, emphasizing the use of monitoring data for improved understanding of storage.

Existing Monitoring Solutions: Overview of Innovative and adaptive monitoring technologies that could meet MMV requirements with field trial and real case study.

Future Innovations: Exploration of emerging, lower-TRL solutions and challenges for large-scale and complex environments.

Participant Profile

This workshop is ideal for anyone involved in Measurement, Monitoring, and Verification (MMV) for Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS), or those seeking best practices in geophysical monitoring of CO2 storage. Whether you’re a regulator, operator, researcher, service provider, bank, insurance company, or public entity, you’ll gain valuable insights and practical knowledge on CO2 storage surveillance and risk management.

Workshop Programme

Coming Soon!

Sunday, June 1st (Part 1)

09:00Welcome by Co-Chairs and Workshop objectives
09:10Opening Address - Bruce Webb (Eni)
Session 1: Lessons Learned and upcoming storage projects.
09:30The Sleipner C02 injection site: A laboratory for monitoring techniques. - A-K. Furre (Equinor)
09:50Risk-based MMV for efficient, long-term storage of C02: lessons learned from Quest - M. Dean (Shell Global Solutions International)
10:10Carbon Management Canada’s CaMI-FRS CCS Pilot Site: Advancing Technologies for Carbon Storage Monitoring - M.Macquet or B. Kolkman-Quinn (Carbon Management Canada)
10:30Experience from the Svelvik CO2 Field Lab - M. Jordan (SINTEF)
10:50Panel Discussion
11:20Coffee Break
11:40Northern Lights Monitoring: A plan in continuous evolution - C. Acuna, M. Vinchon (Northern Lights JV)
12:10Lunch Break
13:10Iris license CCS project – fast track to success - C. Tang (INEOS)
13:30From generic monitoring-concepts to a risk-based and site-specific MMV-strategy for the Porthos CCS-project - G. Thürschmid (EBN)
13:50Panel Discussion
Session 2: Recent advances in seismic monitoring
14:30Distributed Fibre Optic Sensing for C02 storage monitoring.- A.L. Stork (Silixa)
14:50Adaptive monitoring of plume migration; evaluating the potential of surface DAS - M. Branston (SLB)
15:10Coffee Break
15:30Evolving the seismic MMV plan: connecting pre-injection planning and operational monitoring - M. Kent (CGG)
15:50Navigating the future: Insights from recent CCS 3D streamer seismic surveys - M. Widmaier (PGS)
16:10Evaluating XHR acquisition solution and OBN potential for CCS monitoring; Sleipner case study - S. David (TGS)
16:30Reflection oriented workflow time lapse FWI - F.A. Fachtony (Universite de Grenoble, Seiscope)
16:50Neural networks driven full waveform inversion for CO2 monitoring - B. Boddupalli (SINTEF)
17:10Panel Discussion
17:50Workshop day 1 wrap - up

Monday, June 2nd (Part 2)

08:00Welcome by Co-Chairs
Session 3: Status on monitoring from Regulators
08:05The status and Direction of MMV in Carbon Storage: A UKCS perspective - R. Hodgkinson (NSTA)
08:25C02 monitoring technologies on the Norwegian Continental Shelf – some reflections - K. Engenes (Norwegian Offshore Directorate)
08:45The start of underground C02 storage in the Netherlands; a state-supervision perspective - N.J. Hardebol (Dutch State Supervision of Mines (SSM))
09:05Coffee Break
Session 4: Cost effective monitoring approaches
09:20How frequently do we need to monitor: Predictive Maintenance to move beyond regular timeframe - E. Morgan, H. Al Khatib (Spotlight)
09:40Smart monitoring in the Greensand project- T. Roth (Wintershall DEA)
10:00Sparse long-term, low-cost reservoir monitoring - P. Eliasson (SINTEF)
10:20Cost-constrained seismic monitoring: Robust time-lapse wavefield imaging from sparse DAS data - Prof. B. Biondi (Stanford)
10:40Coffee Break
11:00Processing surface DAS data; evaluating the challenges to reveal the opportunities-R. Bachrach (SLB)
11:20Robust and cost-effective monitoring of induced seismic- B. Goertz-Allmann (NORSAR)
11:40Underground gas storage monitoring with seismic ambient noise interferometry: attempts and perspectives - T. Kremer (Geolinks)
12:00Panel Discussion
12:40Lunch Break
Session 5: Non – seismic methods and environmental monitoring.
13:30Characterization and monitoring of injected C02 using Multiphysics approaches: an example from a carbonate reservoir - M. MacGregor (Petronas)
13:50CSEM as a tool for C02 monitoring: sensitivity and technology requirements - K. Eide (Allton)
14:10Environmental MMV for offshore storage – challenges and solutions - Prof. J. Blackford (Plymouth Marine Laboratory)
14:30Panel discussion
14:50Workshop wrap - up