Workshop 14

Navigating Change – Understand your response to change to tune your leadership skills when navigating changes. Monday, June 2nd |


  • TBC (TotalEnergies)
  • TBC (TotalEnergies)



Participant Profile


Workshop Programme

08:45Get Ready! - Committee
Session 1
09:10Keynote - Operator's and value perspective– Are Osen (Aker BP)
09:35Keynote - Are we exploiting the full potential of OBN data? – Hossein Mehdi Zadeh (Equinor)
10:00Panel session with keynotes and Q&A
10:15Coffee Break
.Session 2 PS recording and imaging (status and open questions)
10:30Drop & Pop tri-component ArchiNode -Didier Lecerf (PGS)
10:50About imaging and inversion of S waves – Adriana Citlali Ramirez - (TGS)
11:10 Trials, tribulations and silver lining of converted-wave data - regional experiences with PS processing – Marcela Ortin (SLB)
11:30 Panel session with keynotes and Q&A
11:50 Lunch
Session 2: Elastic FWI (unresolved challenges)
13:00Generative Adversarial Networks for elastic full waveform inversion: Sleipner case - Bhargav Boddupalli (SINTEF)
13:20Why FWI should be elastic and more – René Édouard Plessix (Shell)
13:40Converted wave elastic FWI using multi-component OBN data – Andrew Ratcliffe (Viridien)
14:00Panel session with speakers and Q&A
14:20Coffee Break
14:30 Panel Session
.Short intro statement per panelist
.Discussion - Erling Vågnes (Equinor), Wadii El Karkouri (TGS), Helene Veire (Aker BP) and Alexandre Bertrand (Vår Energi)