Workshop 19

4D Seismic Monitoring: Can we relax acquisition 4D repeatability constraints while retrieving reliable 4D signal?



  • Abderrahim LAFRAM (TotalEnergies)
  • Youssef Arroub (TotalEnergies)
  • Didier Lecerf (TGS)
  • TBC (Shell)
  • TBC (Petrobras)



Highly repeated seismic has been a strong requirement to obtain good 4D products that reduce uncertainties and enable. unambiguous interpretation. It is believed that the extra effort invested in achieving better repeatability will improve the 4D product. 

However, there are opportunistic seismic acquisitions campaigns covering the same field that are not originally designed with 4D in mind. One example is the transition from old streamer system to a modern Ocean Bottom Nodes acquisition. The motivation of such move can be the hope for a better 3D imaging, to prepare future monitoring campaigns or the existence of constrains on seismic operations. The 4D processing workflows and technologies have made significant advance and it is a good time to assess whether the repeatability can be relaxed, or partially relaxed, as a result. 

Sub-Topics that will be covered in the workshop:

The workshop will bring together geoscientists from operators, service providers and academia to answer few key questions:

  • Is it possible to obtain interpretable 4D signal from those vastly different acquisitions? 
  • What are the workflows and the technologies that can be used to tackle the lack of repeatability? 
  • What are the latest updates using conventional and careful 4D processing to optimize the similarity with new technologies like least square migration or FWI 4D. 
  • Eventually, how such products are used by interpreters and how the possible increase of 4D noise is managed by the Asset Geoscientist.

Participant Profile

Geoscientists from operators / contractors/ academia

Workshop Programme

Coming Soon!
09:30Welcome & introduction to the workshop
Working Style: Presentation – Quiz
09:50Define the solution space and connect to corporate strategy – H. Nusser (Decision Advisory Group)
Working Style: Input – Forming of groups – Selection of projects – Work in groups
11:10Coffee Break
11:30Define the solution space and connect to corporate strategy – H. Nusser (Decision Advisory Group)
Working Style: Reflection in plenum
11:50Be clear about your values and tradeoffs – R. Bratvold (University of Stavanger)
Working Style: Input – Work in groups – Reflection in plenum
14:10Deal with uncertainties and set up scenarios – D. Dantine (Decision Advisory Group)
Working Style: Input – Work in groups – Reflection in plenum
15:20Coffee Break
15:40Define, evaluate, and select options – D. Dantine (Decision Advisory Group)
Working Style: Input – Work in groups – Reflection in plenum
16:50Closeout – J. Püttmann (Society of Decision Professionals – Vienna Chapter President), H. Nusser (Decision Advisory Group)
Working Style: Reflection in plenum
17:00End of the Workshop