Workshop 4

Near-surface characterization: A light at the end of the tunnel?.
Sunday, June 1st |


  • Claudio Strobbia (Realtimeseismic)
  • Deyan Draganov (Delft University of Technology)


Detailed characterization of the near surface is essential for the success of industrial projects in the energy, mining or civil engineering domain. Although seismics plays a key role for deeper subsurface imaging, high-quality images are difficult to obtain in the presence of a complex near surface (variable geological features, complex topography). The near surface or near-seafloor is the primary target of investigation are themselves targets for the mapping of water resources, site characterization, mining, shallow hazard mitigation, and cavity detection.

In this workshop, we bring together expertise on different approaches from seismic to multi-physics data for the near-surface characterization. Seismic data (reflection/refraction/surface/guided waves or borehole) or other geophysical measurements (electro-magnetics, gravity, magnetics, etc..) as well as well attributes (logs, checkshots, etc ..) are frequently used to obtain high-quality images of the shallow near surface. The integration/combining of these different types of data through various approaches (e.g., joint inversion, artificial intelligence, advanced processing techniques) bring an invaluable information for a range of application in oil and gas, geothermal, renewables or civil and geotechnical engineering in land and marine environments. 

In this workshop, we aim to facilitate open discussion on pros and cons of various data integration strategies, discover the variety of applications, and discuss routes ahead on this topic.

Sub-Topics that will be covered in the workshop:

Topics we would like to discuss during this workshop could be related from acquisition to the processing to improve the near-surface characterization.

We will be opened to contributions coming from the acquisition side, methodology through case studies, or new algorithms to process different types of data.

Participant Profile

The workshop will span topics that will be of interest to experienced practitioners as well as students and young professionals. We also invite attendees both from industry and academia. Participants could contribute to this workshop through description of new algorithms, methodologies and/or case studies to share ideas, challenges, or new perspectives for the near surface characterization.

Workshop Programme

Coming Soon!

08:30Workshop introduction
08:45Opportunities and Challenges for Time-Lapse Full Waveform Inversion - David Lumley (University of Texas at Dallas) - Keynote speech
09:30Time-lapse full-waveform inversion using 2D optimal transport - Youngseo Kim (Aramco)
09:504D FWI in the Ivar Aasen field: results, value proposition and remaining challenges - Christian Hidalgo (AkerBP)
10:10Discussion and Coffee Break
10:30Navigating 4D full waveform inversion opportunities and challenges - Xin Cheng (SLB)
10:50Charting the path of 4D FWI: from trial to routine - Ziqin Yu (CGG)
11:104D imaging: to repeat or not repeat, imaging or inversion, time or depth? - Eric Verschuur (TU Delft)
11:50Lunch Break
13:15Non-linearised uncertainty assessment using variational methods in time-lapse seismic imaging - Andrew Curtis (University of Edinburgh) -Keynote speech
14:004D Q-FWI for CCS application - Yi Shen (China University of Petroleum)
14:203D and 4D FWI using seismic attenuation - Tieyuan Zhu (Pennsylvania State University)
14:40Discussion and Coffee break
15:00Utilizing machine learning primarily to enhance the regularization of time-lapse FWI Tariq Alkhalifah (KAUST)
15:20Survey of results of a recent field 4D VSP monitoring experiment, and FWI uncertainty quantification - Kristopher Innanen (University of Calgary)
15:40Discussion and wrap-up of the workshop