Workshop 6

The value of multiples for seismic imaging and velocity model building
Sunday June 9th | Room 12


  • Gordon Poole (CGG)
  • Clement Kostov (Consultant)
  • Eric Verschuur (TU Delft)
  • Nizar Chemingui (PGS)
  • Fred Melo (SLB)
  • James Mcleman (DUG)
  • Simon Baldock (TGS)


For many years multiples have been an enemy of the processing geophysicist, and much effort has been directed to their modelling and attenuation. More recently multiples have been recognized for the benefits they can bring to subsurface image illumination and full-waveform inversion (FWI). Some drawbacks of using the multiples have also been recognized, however, such as multiple contamination or cycle skipping.

In this workshop we will discuss the benefits and drawbacks multiples present in deriving the seismic image through multiple/full-wavefield migration and FWI. In which acquisition scenarios and subsurface conditions do the benefits outweigh the challenges of using multiples? How can we overcome the drawbacks of using multiples? In the case primaries richly illuminate the target, is there still value in using the multiples?

Sub-Topics that will be covered in the workshop:

  • Model building and Imaging
    • Imaging using multiples
      • What can we do to minimise/avoid multiple cross-talk?
    • Full-wavefield migration (FWM)
      • Do internal multiples contribute to illumination in FWM?
      • What challenges remain for FWM? Source wavelet? Sampling requirements? Balancing primary and multiple terms.
    • Joint migration and velocity model building, what are the pros/cons compared to full-waveform inversion.
    • Can separated primaries and multiples bring value to imaging?
    • How can we improve imaging by combining the best of primary and multiple imaging.
    • When high quality primaries are available, does FWM present more drawbacks the benefits?
  • Full waveform inversion (FWI)
    • In which environments do multiples help FWI?
    • In which situations can multiples contaminate the FWI image? Relation to geological settings and scales at which relevant multiple scattering occurs.
    • How can we overcome contamination in the FWI image?
    • How well can FWI explain internal multiples?
    • Can free-surface reflections help us derive properties of the subsurface, e.g. guided waves help estimate shallow Vp and Vs.

Participant Profile

Researchers, practitioners, students and decision makers interested in better understanding the value and challenges of multiples for seismic imaging and velocity model building.

Workshop Programme

09:00Welcome - Gordon Poole (Viridien)
Session 1) Multiple imaging I. - Session: Chairs Gordon Poole (Viridien) & Nizar Chemingui (PGS)
09:10Exploring Multiples in Full Wavefield Imaging and Velocity Estimations Across Varied Geological Landscapes - Oystein Korsmo, PGS
09:30Using multiples to image reflectors from above and below - Eric Verschuur, Delft
09:50On the value of surface multiples in shallow-water streamer data - Fred Melo, SLB
10:30Coffee Break
.Session 2) Multiple imaging II - Session Chairs: Eric Verschuur (Delft) & Clement Kostov
10:50Cascaded least-squares multiple imaging for reduced multiple crosstalk - Milad Farshad, Viridien
11:10Inversion of a shallow water-bottom ocean-bottom cable dataset using one-way modeling with multiple reflectivities Robert Soubaras, AkerBP
11:30Incorporating Multiples for Accelerated Construction of Ground Models for Emerging Energy Applications - Nizar Chemingui, PGS
12:10Lunch Break
.Session 3) Multiples in FWI I - Session Chairs: Fred Melo (SLB) & Gordon Poole (Viridien)
13:40Is there a multiples free lunch? - Rodney Johnston, BP
14:00On the use of multiples for imaging: a double-edged sword James Mcleman, DUG
14:20Full Waveform Inversion for velocity model building and imaging with the full wavefield: are there any downsides? - Simon Baldock, TGS
15:00Coffee Break
.Session 4) Multiples in FWI II - Session Chairs: Simon Baldock (TGS) & James Mcleman (DUG
15:20Challenges and opportunities with multiples when marching towards images derived from high-frequency FWI - Olivia Lewis, SLB
15:40Multiples in FWI ‐ turning problems into opportunities -Nikhil Shah, S-cube
16:00Advancing the use of marine DAS-VSP data for reservoir characterization and monitoring by utilizing the full seismic wavefield -Fa qi Lu, TGS
16:20Title TBC - Per Eivend Dhelie, Aker BP
17:00Workshop Ends