'Career Diversity Within and Beyond Geoscience'
Tuesday 6 June – 16:00 to 18:00
Where: EAGE Community Hub / Theatre
The Young Professionals Community Special Session at the Annual is a traditional 2 hour gathering where students and young career people come to get input on professional and personal development.
As the boundaries between subjects, technologies, industries and research topics become less obvious, our theme this year is that of multidisciplinarity and diversity of career opportunities within and beyond geoscience.
In this regard, speakers from EAGE technical communities will share with us their perspective on the subject and share some exciting technology.
We are striving to paint a colorful picture of how geoscience, digital technology, robotics, engineering, and the growing demand for energy are intertwined so the audience will have a sense of not only what skills are useful in future careers, but also what the careers can look like with the skills on hand.
The YP session will be followed by a young-professional networking event in collaboration with the SPE Vienna Basin Section.
Keynote Speakers
Chris Nind
VP Business Development
Abitibi Geophysics
Chris Nind is a professional geophysicist based in Oakville, Ontario. Prior to joining Abitibi Geophysics, he was the General Chair of DMEC’s Exploration ’17 conference that was held in Toronto in October 2017.
Since graduating in 1977 from Queen’s University with a BSc in mathematics, he has worked as a geophysicist with Geoterrex, Dighem and Fugro Airborne Surveys in various management positions. From 2004 to 2013, he was the President & CEO of Scintrex Ltd.
He has authored and co-authored numerous technical papers on exploration geophysics and presented papers at many international conferences. He is a past-President of KEGS and he currently serves as director and treasurer on the boards of the KEGS Foundation and Decennial Mineral Exploration Conferences.
Carla Martín-Clavé
Engineering Geologist
Engineering Geologist currently working at Jacobs, with a BSc in Geology and MSc in Geophysics from the University of Barcelona, Spain.
Martín Clavé did an internship as exploration geologist at Repsol before being awarded with scholarship to study her MSc. After her MSc, she did her Engineering Doctorate (EngD) in Underground Gas Storage in salt caverns as part of the EPSRC CDT programme in Carbon Capture and Storage and Cleaner Fossil Energy at the University of Nottingham, sponsored by the British Geological Survey.
Carla is currently co-chairing the Decarbonization and Energy Transition Committee which is part of the EAGE Special Interest Community in Decarbonization and Energy Transition.
Chris Walker
Chief Geophysicist
BGP Offshore
With a degree in Quantum Physics (New University of Ulster – 1972), a PhD in Marine Geophysics (Durham University – 1975) Chris worked as a research assistant at the University of Bath before joining the National Coal Board in 1978 to work with Anton Ziolkowski. Since then he has enjoyed more than 40 years of industry experience working with a variety of geophysical contractors – Geosource, Geco, PGS, RXT, FairfieldNodal and Seabed Geosolutions before joining BGP Offshore at the end of 2018 as Chief Geophysicist.
With extensive experience in all aspects of marine geophysics including survey design, data acquisition, quality control, onboard data processing and 4D, since 2001 he has focused on expanding the application of Ocean Bottom seismic data acquisition.
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