Field Trips
During the days surrounding the conference and exhibition, we offer you the opportunity to join one of our exciting, informative and enjoyable field trips.

Field Trip 1
Field Trip 1

Natural hydrogen emanations have been detected and mapped in the Pyrenean Piedmont since the 2020s, leading to the filing of several exploration permits. These hydrogen leaks are located in drainage zones, including the North Pyrenean frontal thrust. The origin of this hydrogen remains debated, but it seems that past or active serpentinisation of the mantle is a likely cause.
Over the course of this two-day excursion, we will present some elements for understanding the natural hydrogen system.
We will first try to understand why so little hydrogen has been detected in the hundreds of exploration and production wells in the oil and gas province of the Aquitaine Basin (Lacq play) (stop J1#1).
The afternoon of Day 1 will be devoted to a visit to the Plateau du Bénou. Here we will see the main source rocks of the Pyrenean hydrogen system, namely the lherzolites (J1#2), the organic-rich Palaeozoic rocks (J1#3) and the gabbros (J1#4). These rocks were brought to the surface by a process of diapirism. The welded structure of the diapir forms an effective drainage zone, which will enable natural hydrogen emanations to be measured in situ. This will enable participants in the field trip to take part in the acquisition of H2 data all along the various outcrops. These data, along with other data collected in parallel by the CVA team (radiometric, geophysical) will then be displayed in the EAGE congress hall.
Day 2 will be devoted to the visualisation of reservoir systems, which are commonplace in the oil industry and potentially of interest in the hydrogen system. The first stop (J2#1) will enable us to observe magmatic basaltic flows that were emplaced at late Cretaceous rifting phase. These volcanic units can constitute small, effective reservoirs. The second stop (J2#2) will be devoted to the Urgonian limestone facies, a classic reservoir in the Pyrenean system. These carbonates were deposited at the beginning of the Cretaceous rifting. The third stop (J2#3) will be devoted to examining the pre-rifting Meillon dolomitic limestones. These carbonates constitute the main reservoir of the Lacq petroleum system. After lunch, the fourth and last stop (J2#4) will be an overview of the North Pyrenean fault and surroundings.
Field Trip Leaders:
- Pr. Charles Aubourg (University of Pau and Pays de l’Adour)
- Dr. Marc Blaizot (GEOLVAL)
- Dr. Sabine Delahaye (TOTALENERGIES)
- Dr. Gille Fabre (CVA)
- Dr. Emmanuelle Baudia (CVA)
- Dr. Nicolas Gonthier (Pole Avenia)

Field Trip 2
Field Trip 2

Clastic Reservoir outcrops have been selected nearby Montpellier (at around 3h drive from Toulouse) to develop an innovative approach of dynamic analogues in groundwater reservoir.
The fieldtrip consists in 2 outcrops including 3 main workshops focused on:
(1) geological observations in 3D along well exposed quarries and outcrops, including measurements and modeling results,
(2) surface and inter-well radar tomography,
(3) dynamic measurements with interference tests in wells drilled nearby the observed outcrops.
Field Trip Leaders:
- Gerard MASSONNAT (Expert in Géostatistiques & méthode incertitude TotalEnergies)
- Jerome HENNUY (Head of Geoscience Thematics dpt, TotalEnergies)
- Hervé JOURDE (University of Montpellier)

Field Trip 3
Field Trip 3

Embark on a celestial journey to Toulouse, the European hub of aerospace innovation. Your adventure begins at the renowned Cité de l’Espace.
Discover the power of Earth observation in shaping our energy future. Learn how satellites monitor our planet, providing invaluable data to drive sustainable solutions. Then, explore the cosmos at your own pace.
Marvel at real spacecraft, stand beneath towering rocket replicas, and experience immersive simulations that transport you to the International Space Station and the Martian surface. The Cité de l’Espace offers a captivating blend of science, technology, and wonder, making it an unforgettable experience for space enthusiasts.
Field Trip Leaders:
- Julien FIORE: Remote Sensing Team Lead (TotalEnergies)
- Séverine FOUGEIROL: Remote Sensing Engineer (TotalEnergies)

Field Trip 4
Field Trip 5

This fieldtrip is located in the northern part of the Pyrenees belt south of Toulouse, at around 1h drive of Toulouse.
Morning program : Gold Panning Initiation.
Gold panning on the banks of the Salat River initiation of the discussion on the origin of placer gold and characters of deposits from fluvial systems.
Afternoon program : From Source to Sink – Depositional profile from Pyrenees mountains, to Fluviatile system and deep offshore deposits.
- Discussion around the origin of gold in this region.
- Visit to STC’s international petroleum core library and petrophysics laboratory where cores from TotalEnergies affiliates are stored.
- Core workshops based on depositional profile in clastic dominated system, from fluviatile to deep offshore environments: Examples of cores from several TotalEnergies affiliates, including recent discoveries*. (*pending authorization, alternative cores already identified)
Field Trip Leaders:
- Jerome HENNUY (Head of Geoscience Thematics dpt, TotalEnergies)
- Marc BLAIZOT (Former VP Exploration Total – AVENIA Board member)
- Didier THOMAS Director, STC
- Gilles GRAFFIN Logistics Manager, STC

Field Trip 4
Field Trip 4

Three site visits in the Greater Toulouse area:
- Surface geothermal energy – Airbus headquarters in Blagnac (tp be confirmed). > 35,000 m² of premises heated by geothermal energy via a tempered water loop coupled to a field of 141 vertical geothermal probes 205 m high. 2MW heating and 1MW air conditioning.
- Deep geothermal energy – Blagnac heating network – a 1500m geothermal well – Production of water at 59°C raised to 70°C using a high-temperature heat pump
- Geotechnics/Underground structures – Métro ligne C de Toulouse – Tunnel boring machine under construction since August 2024 for about 2 years.
Field Trip Leaders:
Nicolas GONTHIER – Project Leader (AVENIA)

Field Trip 5
Field Trip 5

Three site visits in the Greater Toulouse area:
- Surface geothermal energy – Airbus headquarters in Blagnac (tp be confirmed). > 35,000 m² of premises heated by geothermal energy via a tempered water loop coupled to a field of 141 vertical geothermal probes 205 m high. 2MW heating and 1MW air conditioning.
- Deep geothermal energy – Blagnac heating network – a 1500m geothermal well – Production of water at 59°C raised to 70°C using a high-temperature heat pump
- Geotechnics/Underground structures – Métro ligne C de Toulouse – Tunnel boring machine under construction since August 2024 for about 2 years.
Field Trip Leaders:
Nicolas GONTHIER – Project Leader (AVENIA)

Impressions from Madrid 2022 field trips