Workshop 10

Geoscience and engineering needed for Deep Sea Mining

Friday 14 June 2024 | Room 


  • Egil Tjåland



Participant Profile


09:45Introduction to fiber-optic sensing
- Interrogation techniques: DTS, DAS and DTSS
- Optical fibers: Basics, sensing characteristics and handling
- Fiber-optic sensing cables
10:30Coffee Break
10:50Keynotes on projects and applications, academic focus
1. Fiber optic monitoring in geothermal wells – T. Reinsch (Fraunhofer Research Institution for Energy Infrastructures and Geothermal Systems IEG, Germany)
2. Over a decade of evolution of distributed acoustic sensing: the experience from Australian CCS projects – R. Pevzner (School of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Curtin University, Australia)
3. A novel application of DAS for surface wave characterisation – P. Edme (ETHZ Institute of Geophysics, Switzerland)
13:00Keynotes on projects and applications, industry focus
1. Well integrity monitoring via distributed temperature and strain sensing at Stassfurt cavern BS13 – S. Rußig (ESK GmbH)
2. Advancements and benefits of distributed fiber-optic strain monitoring in tunnels and construction shafts – M. Facchini (fibrisTerre)
3. The SUCCEED project Monitoring CO 2 injection with Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) passive and active seismic surveys – A. Chalari (Silixa)
14:00Panel discussion with keynote speakers: Benefits and challenges of DFOS in geophysics; which technology for which application?
14:30Coffee Break
14:50Hands-on demo session: Live show with DAS and DTSS for geophysical applications
16:00End of the Workshop